Extended information on the use of cookies

Use of cookies

This website uses so-called cookies to guarantee the correct functioning of the procedures and to offer users a better user experience.
This document provides information on cookies, how they are used by the site and how to manage them.


Cookies are small portions of text recorded by the browser on the visitor’s device and allow the website to store information to be reused during navigation (session cookies) or even in the case of subsequent visits (persistent cookies):

  • session cookies are automatically deleted when you close the browser;
  • persistent cookies, if not deleted on purpose, remain until a preset date.

Cookies are stored based on user preferences by the browser on the device in use, such as: computer, smartphone or tablet.

Types of cookies

There are different types of cookies, each of which is intended for different purposes.

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are those that are essential to guarantee the correct functioning of the site in relation to the services offered. They will always be sent unless the visitor changes the settings of their browser, in which case the site pages may be penalized in terms of display and functionality.
By way of example, technical cookies can be used for:

  • manage and remember, where applicable, some viewing preferences such as language;
  • allow registered users to access secure areas of the site without having to continually log in;
  • manage and remember the items added to the cart in an online store.

Analytical cookies

These cookies, also called “Performance cookies”, are similar to technical cookies and are used to analyze and monitor traffic on the site. They are used with the aim of collecting anonymous statistical information on the use of the site such as: the pages visited, the time spent on the site, the flow of pages visited, the geographical origin, etc.

In the specific case of Google Analytics cookies, it is possible to disable their reception by installing the add-on for your browser available by clicking on the link below.

Third party cookies without direct control

This type of cookie is usually used if the site integrates features provided by external sites. Just to name a few cases, third-party cookies may be recorded by:

  • videos from YouTube, Vimeo or other video service providers;
  • geographical maps (Google Maps, Bing Maps etc…);
  • social networking sharing tools provided by Facebook, Twitter or others.

Profiling cookies

These are permanent cookies used to identify, anonymously or otherwise, user preferences for various purposes such as: optimizing the user experience or for commercial and marketing purposes.
Given the particular invasiveness that profiling cookies (especially third-party cookies) can have in the private sphere of users, European and Italian legislation requires that the user must be adequately informed about their use and express their valid consent to the placing of cookies on your device.

Cookies used by this site

This site uses the following types of cookies:

  • technical cookies;
  • analytical cookies Google Analytics.
    This site does not use and does not allow third parties to use analytics tools to monitor or collect personally identifiable information.
  • Third-party cookies may be used.
    The site does not control registration or access to these cookies. To receive further information on the use of cookies by third parties, consult the privacy and cookie information of the services in question.
  • Google Adwords cookies. This site may also use the Google Adwords advertising and remarketing tool. This tool, owned by Google, allows us to advertise our site and publish personalized ads based on the visits made by our users. For this reason, some pages of the site may include a code called “remarketing code”. This code allows you to read and configure browser cookies in order to determine the type of ads to display. In this way, the so-called remarketing lists are created, stored on Google servers, in which all the cookie IDs associated with each list or category of interests are stored. The information obtained allows the browser to be identified without identifying the user.
    More information on Google Remarketing
    Learn more about the Google Privacy Policies and Principles
    The authorization to collect and store data can be revoked at any time. The user can disable the use of cookies by Google through the specific settings options of the different browsers. For more information:
    Management of ad preferences
    Rules for deactivating Behavioral Advertising

Cookie management

The user can decide whether or not to accept cookies using their browser settings. The setting can be defined specifically for different sites and web applications, furthermore the latest generation browsers allow you to define different settings for cookies recorded directly by the site and for those of third parties.

Attenzione: la disabilitazione totale o parziale dei cookie può compromettere l’utilizzo delle funzionalità del sito.

Warning: total or partial disabling of cookies may compromise the use of the site’s features.

Cookie on this Website